Gerrit Heijkoop
Columns by Gerrit Heijkoop

What is a Hybrid Event and How Do You Organize One?
The fact that there is great interest in hybrid events can be inferred from the commonly used search term "What is a hybrid event?". And rightly so.

Why You Should Remove your Facebook Business Page
Are you under the impression that, as a small business owner, you need to have a business page on Facebook? Think again.

6 Tips to Make Your Online Participants Feel Welcome in a Hybrid Event
The web is full of blog posts and articles about hybrid events. And they have one aspect in common, which I, personally, find really disturbing: they draw a sharp red line between 'live' attendees and 'virtual' attendees.

Column: 4 Barriers to Overcome to Boost use of Social Media
Everybody wants it. Everybody talks about it. Yet so few actually get it. Of course I am talking about 'the Buzz'. Participants of your next event which go wild on Social Media.

Column: 5 Social Media Do's & Don'ts - Rise Above Advertising
Whether or not social media is being used is purely determined by your audience. And simply tweeting about how good your event is makes no sense at all. So what is it about then?

Column: It Doesn't Matter which Social Media You Target!
Which Social Media must I invest in? Is Google+ the new Facebook? Do I need to set up my 'own' social platform? My answer: it makes no difference!

Column: Marketers are Killing Social Media - Please Stop!
Social media is not a marketing tool. Unfortunately, many marketers and sellers are damaging this wonderful new communication technology with their Facebook ads, Promotional Tweets and unsolicited LinkedIn invitations.

How Do You Choose a Good Hashtag for Your Event? 5 Principles
"What is actually the difference between a '@' and a '#' on Twitter?" It may seem like a silly question, but a lot of people still secretly seem to struggle with this question.

The Ultimate 15-step Social Media Roadmap to Events
I regularly have the privilege of getting up on stage to inspire event planners about the use of Social Media with regard to events. However, the time is often too short to be of practical use. That's why I am attempting to elaborate on it here.

Column: 5 Benefits of Free Wireless Internet
What is this? You can't afford to offer free internet at your event? WARNING: 'Forget about locations without free internet for the moment!'

Spread the Word: How Can Social Media Increase the Reach of My Event?
Many event planners search for new ideas to reach more attendees. Social Media can help you to extend your reach beyond the boundaries of the physical event, meeting, trade show or conference.