eventplanner.tv is a tv-channel and podcast for event planners. Our broadcasts include cutting-edge interviews on event planning, event management, ... with leading opinion-makers, fascinating documentaries and detailed analyses of the most recent events trends.
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MPI's New President on Future of Meeting Industry
Kevin is delighted to have Paul Van Deventer calling in for this interview. Paul was recently elected president of MPI. What are in his opinion the biggest challenges for the meeting industry?

Boring Meetings Suck
Jon Petz doesn't like boring meetings. He even wrote a book on the subject. Today he is here in our studio to inspire you to have more entertaining meetings. Hopefully he doesn't bore you.

Meeting Architecture
To organize a strong conference or an event it is not enough to have good event manager who arranges all the logistics. According to Maarten Vanneste you also need a meeting architect.

Case Study: Fresh Conference
The Annual Fresh Conference for the meeting industry is a playground for testing new ideas and concepts. Maarten Vanneste, the organizer of the conference shares some interesting experiments in this case study.

More Profit with Event Logistics
How can event logistics help you get higher satisfaction scores? And, at the same time, increase your profit margins? Kevin asks it to Maarten van Rijn.

Ultimate Tool for Experience Marketing
Classic marketing is dead. Today, we talk about experience marketing. But, what is it exactly, and how are events the ultimate tool for this?

Power of Content Marketing
Today Kevin talks with Koen Denolf about content marketing. Koen is content strategist at Het Salon and explains how content marketing gives a new dimension to events.

'Lies' about visitor numbers
Organizers often juggle the wildest figures when it comes to the number of visitors to their events. At least, that’s what Teacher Event Logistics' Maarten van Rijn sees happening in the field. Kevin asks him what's going on.

ROI of Events
Today Kevin invited Rob Captijn to the eventplanner.TV studio to talk about return on investment. By proving here the ROI of events we could convince more businesses to invest in event marketing.

The Future of Events with Julius Solaris
Today we have a famous event industry blogger and trend watcher in our studio, Julius Solares from eventmanagerblog.com. Julius made 10 predictions on how the event industry will change over the next year.

Event Sponsoring
Making up the budget for an event is not that easy. Sponsoring is for some events crucial to get the bills paid. But how do you get marketeers to put the money on the table?

Emotional Intelligence
At School we learn to sharpen our rational skills. Emotional intelligence is pushed to the side. Yet these skills are very important to make foundations for better events, stronger teams and to conquer every challenge.

No Show
'No show' is the greatest fear and frustration of many event organizers. How big is the problem actually? And what can you do about it?

Social Media vs. Events
Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, … Everybody is talking about it, but how many event organizers actually succeed in using social media? All the secrets of using social media successfully for your event...

International Events: Cultural Differences
The event industry is going global. The number of international congresses and events is rising. There are however a lot of cultural differences between continents en countries you need to be aware of...